Friday, July 23, 2010

What do you practice? Forgiveness or revenge?

An “appeal to spite” is another appeal to emotion when communicating and/or persuading others. Basically, it is getting revenge, getting even, or getting back at someone for doing you wrong. In Epstein, p. 193, it states that this is usually rejected “as bad by some people on moral grounds.” However, “In some cultures…it’s not only acceptable, but a moral imperative…to preserve one’s ‘honor.’” So some people find it bad and others find it a necessary defense reaction.

Also, an “appeal to spite” often invokes the "two wrongs MAKE a right" principle.
When I was growing up, I was taught the total opposite, that two wrongs DON’T make a right! And I try to live by that rule. However, as the book states, an “appeal to spite” is when a person does something bad or mean to you and you respond with doing something bad or mean to them. This is another emotion people use in the art of communication. In other words, it is used to persuade someone to do something based on revenge.

It’s not good in my book! But, you can make your choice and suffer the consequences. Hmmm…..was that just an appeal to fear statement I just made? We’ll leave that for another post! :o)

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