Saturday, July 24, 2010


I chose an old TV commercial (see link below) that shows an egg frying, or rather sizzling in a frying pan which states:

"This is drugs. This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?" Then it shows who the commercial is sponsored by, Partnership for a Drug-free America.

This is actually a very good commercial. It is meant to scare people who are thinking about trying drugs and also for those who already do drugs. The commercial is saying that if you do drugs your brains will be fried. It's a pretty good argument and appeal to fear. It is an appeal to a person’s fear of getting their brain messed up or destroyed.

Basically, the unstated by very plausible appeal to emotion is: “You should not do drugs if you’re afraid of destroying your brain.” I think this is a very cut and dry appeal to fear commercial.

1 comment:

  1. I remember this commertial when it came on it is very hard to forget! I think it really shows you a lot about what companies will do to persuade you to do or in this case not to do! Fear is a huge and powerful emotion that can be used to get people not to do drugs. The anit-drug commercials have kind of stopped playing on the tv and you don’t really hear much about it anymore which I think is such a shame because people need to you what is happing to them when they do these drugs. Awesome job with picking this!
